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What my clients have to say

Mica conducted a group resilience building workshop for 10 founders from our portfolio companies, which resonated so strongly with participants that several founders have engaged her to do sessions for their companies. As investors, we speak of resilience as an innate trait or talent in founders, which can be no further from the truth. Founders have the opportunity to become better leaders, managers and evangelists if they invest in building a resilient mindset to better manage stress and communication. Providing high-performance individuals with this toolkit for development is Mica's unique value proposition. Particularly during a time of a global pandemic, as teams are increasingly becoming distributed and working remotely, I can think of no better playbook to offer to our founders and their teams.
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Min Teo
Managing Investment Partner
Our company, like many others in 2020, had to execute a massive amount of changes to cope with the COVID pandemic. The situation was creating an unprecedented level of stress in our teams and so, when I was tasked with forming a new project team, I realised I needed help! Mica helped me understand how to better support the team with workshops and 1-on-1 coaching. Her workshops were interactive, informative, engaging and pragmatic, covering various aspects of dealing with stress and burnout. It served as a great moment for the new team to come together, build trust, and create a safe space for us to talk about the challenges we were facing at the time. I would recommend engaging with Mica to anyone dealing with stress or burnout in their teams or as individuals.
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Marta Jasinska
Chief Technology Officer
Bloom & Wild
I was finding myself unable to cope with the stress of running my own company. I found myself spinning too many plates and merely surviving as opposed to living. I could feel myself burning out and wanting to leave the business, which I knew in my heart of hearts would be the wrong thing to do as essentially the business did work. Through talking to Mica I have sorted through my tangled ideas and actioned them, making the business far more streamlined and less wasteful with its resources. I have learnt to recognise when I am about spiral into a state of stress and unhappiness, enabling myself to prevent myself from hitting rock bottom. I am now generally much more mindful and in control of my emotions.
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Chloe Shann
Founder & CEO
Thornhill Shann Construction
I started working with Mica because I realised I was spending all of my time heads down running my business, never taking time to make any big, important decisions. Since working with Mica, my approach to work and life have been genuinely transformed. I feel more aware of the decisions I’m making, I'm making more time for myself, and setting time aside for making important decisions for my business as well as my personal life. Mica has taught me a lot about how to handle difficult situations and decisions, which has helped me become a significantly better manager and leader for my team. Working with Mica has been a pleasure – she truly listens and clearly has experience of the challenges I am dealing with on a daily basis.
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James Gill
Tech Startup Founder & CEO
I worked with Mica to help me make some big decisions about my life and career. She brought a warm and insightful approach that helped me really hone down on what was important to me in my work and my life more broadly. She encouraged and challenged me in just the right proportions, and I felt genuinely cared for. Off the back of our work, I became much clearer on what my true values are. As a result, I was able to make some important decisions that have taken my life into a different trajectory. I don’t think I could have done that without Mica's help.
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Dharmesh Raithatha
Chief Product Officer
Forward Partners
Mind Candy
What attracted me to working with Mica is her background – she knows startups inside and out, having gone through the experience herself and being immersed in that community. I sought her help initially for specific topics – time management and productivity, however due to its benefits, our sessions developed into a long-term coaching relationship. Mica has been instrumental in helping me work my way through the usual ups and downs of being a founder. I have been looking forward to our regular sessions as the one moment of relative calm and headspace in an otherwise mad and relentless week. I emerge from our sessions re-energised and with new-found clarity on the things I need to do next.
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Camille Rougié
Tech Startup Founder & CEO, Former Private Equity Investor
Plural AI
Entrepreneur First